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ITSM vs. ITIL: What’s the Difference Between ITIL & ITSM?

ITSM vs. ITIL: What’s the Difference Between ITIL & ITSM?

In the IT world, it’s assumed you understand the difference between the terms ITSM and ITIL. However, not everyone uses these ITSM and ITIL correctly; some even use ITSM and ITIL interchangeably, which magnifies everyone’s confusion. ITSM stands for IT Service...

How to Create Effective ServiceNow Knowledge Base Articles

How to Create Effective ServiceNow Knowledge Base Articles

Garbage in equals garbage out. Love or hate the saying, it rings true, especially when it comes to your Knowledge Base articles. As a Lead Analyst in Quality Management at Crossfuze, I’ve invested a lot of time and effort to improving our Knowledge Strategy and...

Serving customers in the era of remote work

Serving customers in the era of remote work

Stay-at-home orders have helped to accelerate digital transformation projects within the finance sector – but they have also radically changed the way we physically work. For automated, back-office operations this isn’t a problem. And thanks to remote connectivity,...